Week 3 - HTTP & Servlet API
- Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) 7
- Static Web Server vs Application Server
- Layered Architecture: Presentation, Business, Persistence
- Servlet:
- What is a client and server? How do they communicate?
- What is HTTP? What is its role?
- What are the major HTTP actions?
- What is the structure of an HTTP request?
- What is the structure of an HTTP response?
- What are HTTP headers used for?
- What is the difference between an HTTP Get and Post?
- What is JavaEE? How does it compare with JavaSE?
- What is an Application Server?
- Describe a JavaEE program’s layered architecture.
- What is a Servlet?
- What is the difference between a ServletConfig and ServletContext?
- What is a Servlet container? Which container are you familiar with?
- What is a deployment descriptor? What are its important values?
- Explain the life cycle of a servlet.
- Explain the path taken by an incoming request to a servlet.
- How do I preload a servlet?
- How do I set initial parameters for both ServletConfig and ServletContext?
- What tags are used for mapping a servlet in the web.xml?
- Explain the inheritance tree from the Servlet interface to a custom subclass of HttpServlet.
- How do I perform error handling with the deployment descriptor?
- What is the difference between a forward and a redirect? How do I send either using servlets?
- How do I get and set data in a servlet?
- What is the difference between Sessions & Cookies?